Cross Land Surveying, Inc. has worked for various companies and municipalities such as the San Jose Water Company, City of Palo Alto, and RMC Water and Environment to provide detailed topographic surveys for the aid in design of replacement sewer projects, water pipeline projects, reclaimed water pipeline projects and street improvements. Many of these surveys are tied to the State Plane Coordinate System through GPS methods and include the location of all above ground physical features as well the invert information for all manholes and possible potholing activities. Often the work we do for the San Jose Water Company involves determining the property lines and easements that run along the proposed route and showing this boundary information on our topographic maps. Sometimes it is necessary to acquire additional water line right of way and we provide the legal description and plat for that work. We have provided deliverables from the digital topographic maps and all AutoCAD files (to certain agencies specifications as to layering scheme, etc.) to just the compiled coordinates with the agency specific descriptor codes used during collection.